November 2018 Newsletter

Jason Gonwick and Brent Radford enjoyed their first experience calling a Washington State Volleyball Tourney, the 1B/2B at Yakima. Radford and Gonwick each called a semifinal match in the 1B tourney, and Radford was R1 in the championship match.

A Wonderful State of the Union

Shawna Sheehan called the 3rd-4th place contest in the 2A tourney.

Shawna Sheehan called the 3rd-4th place contest in the 2A tourney.

Jason Gonwick and Brent Radford enjoyed their first experience calling a Washington State Volleyball Tourney, the 1B/2B at Yakima. Radford and Gonwick each called a semifinal match in the 1B tourney, and Radford was R1 in the championship match. Debbie Spray called a semi in the 1A Tournament, and Shawna Sheehan called the 3rd-4th place contest in the 2A tourney. Barb Twohig represents SAVRA in the 3A/4A Tourney, Nov. 16-17.     

Meet Your New Board and Advisers for 2019

SAVRA members have spoken, electing new officers, directors and advisers for 2019 [those elected this fall are boldfaced]. Each member serves through the year following their name.
President                        Keith Ward ('20)
Vice President                Ben Goodwin ('21)
Secretary                        Open ('19)
Past President                Patty Kells ('19)
Member-at-Large            Juli Jones ('20)
Member-at-Large            Brent Radford ('20)
Member-at-Large            Devin Darrough ('19)
Member-at-Large            Linda Kildew ('19)
Rating Committee           Debbie Spray ('21)
Rating Committee           Dale Goodwin ('20)
Rating Committee           Alan Hirayama ('19) 
Appeals Committee        Lisa Paull ('21)
Appeals Committee        Margie Ray ('20)
Appeals Committee          ? ('19)
Heartfelt thanks to our outgoing officers, directors and advisers: Heide Wehr, Shawna Sheehan, Rusty Wellman and Mike Pounds

Banquet Nov. 19 - A Night to Remember

Consider joining your fellow SAVRA members and guests for this special night. Organizer Ron Walker has accumulated a bundle of door prizes to be given out. Our annual awards will be bestowed. And we'll add a new member to the SAVRA Hall of Fame. You won't want to miss this. The date is Monday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m. at Timber Creek Grill at 9211 E. Montgomery in the Spokane Valley just east of Argonne. If you have not reserved a space, please do so on your Arbiter schedule. Dinner for all members is covered as a thank you from SAVRA, and cost for guests is $12, including tax.   

Five Members Earn Advanced Ratings in 2018

Congratulations to Veronica Douglas and Shawn Ottoson for earning their State ratings during floor trials this past season, and to Scott Mikos, Jon Kolp and John Schalk for earning their Local ratings at area floor trials. If you are ready and interested in pursuing a floor trial in 2019, please email the Rating Committee's Alan Hirayama at and let him know.

Training Feedback Sought

Trainers Barb Twohig, Shawna Sheehan, Rusty Wellman, Linda Kildew, Alan Hirayama and Dale Goodwin seek your input on training this past season: what worked well, what did we miss, what could we do better, suggestions for improved lesson planning on certain subjects, how best to use on-court time are all things we'd like input on. Please email your appropriate trainer with your ideas, by Nov. 30, please.    

Use USAV Season to Hone Your Skills; Meeting Dec. 8

USAV season, which runs January through May, is a perfect opportunity to practice and hone your officiating skills. Learn all about it at the Evergreen Region Officials Meeting, Dec. 8, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Jepson Center's Wolff Auditorium, on the left-hand side of the main lobby inside Jepson's front doors. USAV offers something for every level of official, from Observers to Day Officials to R1s for an expanded number of tournaments. The participants we officiate range in age from 10-18. All competition is on the weekends, and officials can make any days unavailable through Arbiter. To pay dues now, go to: Questions? Contact Officials Chair Linda Kildew at   

Keep Up to Date On All VB Officiating at SAVRAVB.ORG

SAVRA's website,, is a place to learn about what's happening in officiating, a link to additional online training, and an online store to help outfit you with your high school volleyball uniform and equipment needs. A special THANK YOU to our webmaster Jodi Murphy, a fellow official who helps us keep all of you updated. 

Where to Order Colored Shirts for USAV Season

There is only one stop and one shop for ordering the new Certified Volleyball Officials shirts for USAV season (same one worn by college officials). That web address is: This is where you find the blue, gray and new white uniform shirts. If you only buy one, might be wise to purchase blue. That seems to be the color most prevalent here in the west.

Picture This . . . Again . . . and Again . . . and Again

For those who have not loaded a picture of yourself in Arbiter, please do so immediately. This is a professional courtesy to all those you will work with. Please . . . 

Do you have newsletter ideas? Please send them to Dale Goodwin,

SAVRA for Gear (outline larger text).png